Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Welcome - Introduction...

My name is Oscar S Hopper. I think that every individual should clearly define what they believe on important issues; especially when the issue is ‘controversial’ or a ‘hot-topic’. These beliefs should be logical and based on the best information available so that one does not lie to one’s self and does remain Intellectually Honest. Furthermore, maintaining one definition for personal use and another for professional/occupational use demotes the importance of the issue from paramount to a mere preference (nothing wrong with preferences per se) and creates a type of inconsistency that will herein be labeled: Intellectual Dishonesty.

This blog will have a two fold purpose:
1. To examine with full disclosure issues such as Creation vs. Evolution, Absolute Truth, Abortion, Use of Birth Control, Did Jesus Actually Live on Earth & Is He God?, and more. I aim to offer my ‘research’ on these and other topics and leave the conclusions up to the reader. Responses to these postings will be beneficial to others and me.
2. To enjoy children’s radio programming! Every Saturday on my way to work I listen to two radio programs: Adventures in Odyssey and The Pond. These are great programs that combine wit and Christian values. I will hopefully post each week the 1-2 morals that are taught at the end of the programs. It will be fun!


Blogger Troy said...

This blog promises to be one of the best ever. What combination could be better than children's radio programming and stimulating debate on origins, epistemology, and moral relevance?

Tue Dec 20, 01:25:00 PM 2005  
Blogger OS Hopper said...

You are close with your description. I'll try to find a good picture of myself to post. Second, I will be open to alternate information so long as it is referenced (logical will be sufficient but referenced is better).

Wed Dec 21, 03:43:00 PM 2005  

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