Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Adventures in Odyssey

Today on Adventures in Odyssey, Whit and the gang started working through the Lord’s example prayer. They take a work or phrase and generate a story about it. I heard 2 today in the car on the way to work/school.

Our Father in heaven – Unlike some earthly fathers, God, our heavenly Father will never disappoint us or make promises that He cannot keep!

Hallowed be Your name – God has many names to describe Himself and describe His character to us. We need to be careful to hallow or revere/respect his name and never use it flippantly or disrespectfully. Example names and addresses include:
Elohim – in Genesis
Adonai – in Genesis (Used when Abraham is promised descendants)
Ela – in Ezra and Daniel
Jesus/Immanuel – Luke
Yahweh – in Exodus, speaks of the Faithfulness of God
I AM – in John 18 & Mark 14

May we always honor and give the utmost respect to the Names of the Lord and the God whom they describe!


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