Monday, January 23, 2006

Kids do the funniest things!

I mentioned at the beginning of this blog that its purpose is to explore controversial topics and discuss children's radio programming. Hopefully for just this one time only I am taking artistic license and broadening the scope of this page. ...

While working over the weekend a mom and her little daughter came in. (I don’t remember how old she was but she was young about 2.5 feet tall) The little girl seemed to be right on the brink of swinging really far toward smiling or throwing a tantrum. So, I thought I would smile, say hello, and wave to try to keep her occupied.

She broke into a huge smile and started waving back! The mother was now ready to go; she looked at her little girl and smiled in relief that the emotional ambiguity had resolved itself in a positive manner. Mom then commented that she appreciated my time in occupying her child and said something to the effect of, “Oh, she is a little flirt”.

About this time the little girl started to wave goodbye with one hand and to pick her nose with a finger on the other… … …Now guys, how many of you can say that you have so dazzled a young lady that she started picking her nose for you?


Blogger AyDubb said...

O, Mr. Hopper, sir! You have quite the effect on the ladies. I think the little girl was possibly "picking" out something really special to repay you for your kindness. Hang in there. You'll be getting earwax in no time flat!

Mon Jan 23, 06:53:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Kristen said...

That reminds me of a great TV show. Many small children have little or no inhibition to the things they do or say...keeps us laughing. Boogers & that's undeniable.

Mon Jan 23, 10:17:00 PM 2006  

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