Wednesday, May 03, 2006

My treasure is _______.

A while back I was reading in Luke 12 when I came upon this verse, ‘For where you treasure is, there your heart will be also.’ At first I just quickly read over this but later I tried to apply it to me. I asked myself, “Self, where if your treasure?” After thinking for a while I had to reply in honesty and I did not like my new realization.

“Self,” I said, “My treasure has been to excel at playing the French horn.” I love God and I loved reading His word but whenever I had a free moment to think I always thought how good I could become if I was practicing more or about music I had recently played.

I am far from where I want to be but now any free thought time is used to reflect on more memorize the Bible. This change in thought has caused my music to plummet (though it did not necessarily have to) but my thought life to focus on God.

So now that I have confessed to having an incorrect treasure, why don’t you check out your own treasure chest? What is in there? Something temporal, or something in Heaven where Christ is?

Read Luke 12:13-34


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