Sunday, May 14, 2006

Road Trip!!

I am starting a new blogging series. In a few days I will embark on an extended academic and educational endeavor that will stretch my current knowledge and no doubt broaden my understanding of healthcare. So in preparation I’m starting a list of a few essentials. Please make mention of anything you think I have forgotten.

1. Work related mumbo-jumbo...check.
2. Hiking boots, tent, and mountain bike…check, check, and pending check!
3. Harmonicas, juice harp, axe…triple check!
4. Snacks for the road...check!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget about those wonderful BBCDs from Kroger or Target!!!

Thu May 18, 09:42:00 PM 2006  
Blogger OS Hopper said...

OH!!!! Very can not forget those! Thanks

Thu May 18, 10:22:00 PM 2006  

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