Friday, August 04, 2006

Presidential Trivia

We have had only 4 presidents with a full beard. Three of them served consecutive terms:
1. Grant: 1869-1877
2. Hayes: 1877-1881
3. Garfield: 1881-1881
4. B. Harrison: 1889-1893

We have had 5 others with various facial accoutrements:
1. Lincoln: 1861-1865 (beard minus mustache)
2. Arthur: 1881-1885 (beard minus chin)
3. Cleveland: 1885-1889 & 1893-1897 (mustache)
4. T. Roosevelt: 1901-1909 (mustache)
5. Taft: 1909-1913 (mustache)


Blogger OS Hopper said...

Actually I got this information off of a ruler. I have one opaque ruler and one transparent ruler. The opaque ruler has 6 American flags (it shows the progression from 1775 to present day) on one side and pictures of past presidents (through Bush 41) on the other.

Fri Aug 04, 11:28:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Jeanine said...

Ah...the presidential brings back good memories...

Sat Aug 05, 03:15:00 PM 2006  

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