Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Wardrobe Malfunction

Today, I found myself in a situation in which I needed to zip up my pants so I decided to do just that. Then at mid-zip it happened…the zipper broke. It did not get stuck; it broke off! When I first held the zipper fragment in my hand the worst case scenario zoomed through my mind. I would no longer be able to zip up my pants, they were only half closed, and I was not finished for the day; not yet bound for home. (I wear my shirt tucked in.)

Right about the time zipper-terror was traipsing through my brain I realized that only the dangly, hangy-down part of the zipper had broken off. Fortunately this wardrobe malfunction is recoverable.

I hope nothing else falls off before I get home tonight!


Blogger Jeanine said...

I have to admit that I'm laughing hysterically, but only because I've had my fair share of wardrobe malfunctions.

Tue Sep 05, 09:31:00 PM 2006  
Blogger AyDubb said...

reson #1 you should carry a "man-purse". if you'd have had one, then the tools needed to fix said malfunction would have been on hand. crisis averted. (that's what I came up with after I laughed until I cried)

Tue Sep 05, 11:15:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Laurie said...

I hope you made it through the day! Zipper terror is quite debilitating.

Wed Sep 06, 10:22:00 AM 2006  

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