Thursday, March 15, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007
Remaining Business Days...
T-19 days and counting!!
posted by OS Hopper at Monday, March 05, 2007
About Me
- Name: OS Hopper
My name is Oscar S Hopper. I think that every individual should clearly define what they believe on important issues; especially when the issue is ‘controversial’ or a ‘hot-topic’. These beliefs should be logical and based on the best information available so that one does not lie to one’s self and does remain Intellectually Honest. Furthermore, maintaining one definition for personal use and another for professional/occupational use demotes the importance of the issue from paramount to a mere preference (nothing wrong with preferences per se) and creates a type of inconsistency that will herein be labeled: Intellectual Dishonesty.
Recommended Reading
- Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science & Theology (WA Dembski)
- Darwin's God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil (CG Hunter)
- Dismantling Evolution: Building the case for Intelligent Design (RO Muncaster)
- Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution (MJ Behe)
- Not Black and White (JA Coyne)
- Darwin on Trial (PE Johnson)
- Of Moths & Men: The Untold Story of Science & the Peppered Moth (J Hooper)
- The Screwtape Letters (CS Lewis)
- Mere Christanity (CS Lewis)
- The Normal Christian Life (Watchman Nee)
Important Past Discussions
- Welcome
- Genesis of Life
- Birth Control (part 1)
- Birth Control (part 2)
- Absolute Truth
- Origin of Species
- ...Species (conclusion)