Sunday, January 29, 2006

Lesson No. 4 - Daily Intellectual Honesty

One very important aspect of one’s Intellectual Honesty is that individual’s religion, or in the case of Christianity, that individual’s relationship with God. I am sure we have all pondered this point before—I have myself—but today I was struck again with the simplicity of its meaning: Worship, singing, & emotions on Sunday without worship, service (to others because of guidance by the Holy Spirit) & integrity throughout the week is useless. James writes it like this, If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless. Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

When we attend a service of our choosing to learn about and worship God, do we sing words that only rhyme or are cleverly transcribed? Or do we sing with a heart, attitude and life-lived-last-week that supports the words coming out of our mouths.

Today, my favorite song and reminder was penned by David Glenn.

We come before You Lord, to sing Your praise
You are our everything, the Ancient of Days
Take joy in what You hear as we lift up Your name
We come to glorify Your name

We come to glorify, glorify
Glorify Your name
We come to glorify, glorify
Glorify Your name

We are Your people and we come before Your throne
We come to worship You, to worship You alone…

Monday, January 23, 2006

Kids do the funniest things!

I mentioned at the beginning of this blog that its purpose is to explore controversial topics and discuss children's radio programming. Hopefully for just this one time only I am taking artistic license and broadening the scope of this page. ...

While working over the weekend a mom and her little daughter came in. (I don’t remember how old she was but she was young about 2.5 feet tall) The little girl seemed to be right on the brink of swinging really far toward smiling or throwing a tantrum. So, I thought I would smile, say hello, and wave to try to keep her occupied.

She broke into a huge smile and started waving back! The mother was now ready to go; she looked at her little girl and smiled in relief that the emotional ambiguity had resolved itself in a positive manner. Mom then commented that she appreciated my time in occupying her child and said something to the effect of, “Oh, she is a little flirt”.

About this time the little girl started to wave goodbye with one hand and to pick her nose with a finger on the other… … …Now guys, how many of you can say that you have so dazzled a young lady that she started picking her nose for you?

Sunday, January 22, 2006


There has recently been much debate on the validity of the word 'irregardless'. The following is a direct quote from the Meriam Webster Dictionary:

Main Entry: ir·re·gard·less
Pronunciation: "ir-i-'gärd-l&s
Function: adverb
Etymology: probably blend of irrespective and regardless
nonstandard : REGARDLESS
usage Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its fairly widespread use in speech called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that "there is no such word." There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Quote No. 2

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. ~ Jim Elliot, died 01.08.1956 at the hands of the Quechua natives of Equador trying to reach them with the Gospel of Jesus.

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Pond (No. 3)

This week I learned that I need to be nice to and befriend new kids that move into my neighborhood. It is difficult to transition to a new location where you do not know anyone and sometimes it can be hard to make new friends. There was a second lesson that involved celebrety appearances on the program (like the CA govenator) but I do not remember that story. Sorry.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Lesson No. 3b - Birth Control

1. Abstinence – This method has 100 % efficacy in preventing the sperm from meeting the egg. If you understand this mile-marker to be the point at which life begins, this is an appropriate form of contraception. If birth control is for a non-married female, the typical response is, “That just is not possible”. I submit that it IS possible; it may not be convenient or preferred but it IS possible.

2. Barrier methods – This method has a high rate of efficacy (not 100 %) in preventing the sperm from meeting the egg. Again if sperm-meets-egg is the point at which you understand life to begin, this too is an appropriate form of birth control.

3. Hormones – there has been some misunderstanding on this topic. ALL hormone contraception medications (pills, shots, patches) function in a similar manner. The only difference with regard to how they function as contraceptives is in what proportion they exhibit these characteristics. Hormone medications function as follows:

a. Prevent ovulation – this prevents the sperm from meeting the egg
b. Prevent implantation – this happens after fertilization. If you understand life to begin when a sperm meets an egg, you must consider this mechanism of action (MOA) to be a chemical abortion.
c. Prevent travel of the egg to the uterus for implantation.
d. Prevent travel of the sperm to the egg..

4. Surgery – This method is usually very efficacious in preventing the sperm from meeting the egg.

One reason that I am posting this topic is because of a conversation I had last fall with a colleague. We discussed the beginning of life and discovered that we both had very convincing information for calling fertilization (sperm meets egg) the most appropriate marker for the beginning of life. We then turned the conversation to how we practice our professions. After discussing the various MOAs we decided that we had a difficult decision to make. Do we hold to our current understanding of biology and science, calling the beginning of life fertilization? Or do we change our understanding for the sole purpose of making our practices less controversial and more convenient. My friend decided that refusing a patient hormone birth control in clinic or elsewhere would create more problems than it is worth. She said it was just the most convenient item available with such high rates of efficacy.

I agree with this last statement. I take issue with her blatant Intellectual Dishonesty. My colleague still holds that life begins at fertilization and human life is above all other to be most treasured and protected. She is, however, transparently hypocritical when she continues to champion hormone contraception as an appropriate method of birth control.

I hope this posting will spark conversation on this topic and that as we all become more enlightened on any issue we will not hide behind the statement, “my religion prevents me from doing this” but instead focus on obtaining the best possible information and then standing for your own position regardless of convenience.

If you have a difference of opinion on the marker for the beginning of life and are able to successfully use your argument in defending the use of hormonal contraception I urge you to speak up!

I propose that if one says they have a stance on an issue, maintain that stance and function against that stance they are Intellectually Dishonest.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Lesson No. 3a - Birth Control

Opening statement: Human life is, above all other life, to be most treasured and protected. It is important for one to define when one understands life to begin so that said one can appropriately defend, honor, dignify and protect human life.

To my knowledge there are 4 available methods of contraception:
1. abstinence
2. barrier methods
3. hormone medications (“birth control pill, patch, shot”)
4. surgical methods

It is important for anyone choosing to use a form of birth control to first determine when they understand life to begin; it is paramount that this decision be made without regard for personal convenience or preference. Making this decision will allow the individual to choose a method of contraception that does not disrupt development prior to the determined point. If an individual is ignorant or not concerned about how a particular method functions and yet holds firm a conviction about the beginning of life, that one is in danger of Intellectual Dishonesty and committing a crime, not defined by public law but by that one’s own definition and conviction.

We earlier discussed various time points for arguing when life begins.
1. The point that the sperm meets the egg
2. The point that the zygote (the new cell created by the sperm / egg union) implants in the uterus.
3. The point of birth, when the new baby is physically separated from the mother.

In order to maintain a readable post length, the next posting will discuss the points found herein.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Quote No. 1

If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don't like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself. ~ St. Augustine

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Adventures in Odyssey - The Kingdom of Heaven

Today on the way home, Adventures in Odyssey was talking about The Kingdom of Heaven. I learned that sometimes as we go through this life, we can make the incorrect but logical conclusion that what we can see is all that is real. We forget or are not aware that there is something more that we cannot currently see or physically experience. Some people call this the Kingdom of God. It is eternal, not temporal; spiritual, not physical; mysterious yet very authentic and quite factual.

How does one discover this Kingdom of Heaven? It is accomplished by having faith in the Word of God, the Bible, that describes and offers assurance of its existence. This type of faith is based on one’s belief that Jesus, described in the Bible, is in fact God and came to the Earth in the form of a man to live among us and later go to the cross. Here Jesus willing accepted the penalty of our sin so that those who believe would no longer be obligated to this debt. He died, was buried and then rose again just as Scripture predicted and is currently in Heaven.

Simple acceptance / belief of this will initiate one’s personal relationship with Jesus and opens one’s eyes to the ever present, very real, Kingdom of Heaven.

Adventures in Odyssey can be heard on the radio in Houston, Texas every Saturday morning at 8am on 89.3FM or anytime on the internet at

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Adventures in Odyssey

Today on Adventures in Odyssey, Whit and the gang started working through the Lord’s example prayer. They take a work or phrase and generate a story about it. I heard 2 today in the car on the way to work/school.

Our Father in heaven – Unlike some earthly fathers, God, our heavenly Father will never disappoint us or make promises that He cannot keep!

Hallowed be Your name – God has many names to describe Himself and describe His character to us. We need to be careful to hallow or revere/respect his name and never use it flippantly or disrespectfully. Example names and addresses include:
Elohim – in Genesis
Adonai – in Genesis (Used when Abraham is promised descendants)
Ela – in Ezra and Daniel
Jesus/Immanuel – Luke
Yahweh – in Exodus, speaks of the Faithfulness of God
I AM – in John 18 & Mark 14

May we always honor and give the utmost respect to the Names of the Lord and the God whom they describe!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Lesson No. 2 - Absolute Truth

I propose that there IS Absolute Truth.

I originally started this post with a more extensive argument for my position but I soon realized that it is not all that difficult a position to defend. So I will defend my statement with 2 arguments; the first will explain fault with the counter-theory and the second will substantiate my own statement.

First, the statement, “There is no such thing as absolute truth.” is itself an absolute statement. If one wants to say that this statement is the only exception to the rule then that one would still in fact subscribe to my position. The relativism that follows this single absolute statement would not in fact be truth, it would be opinion. Opinions may and do vary between individuals. A single individual may even change their own opinion many times.

Second, Webster defines ‘truth’ as (1) the state of being the case (2) the body of real things, events, and facts. Furthermore, Webster defines ‘opinion’ as (1) a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter (2) a belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge (3) a generally held view.

When we use words in conversations or debate we need to be sure that we are using the appropriate definition. If a word is used inappropriately, it shows the user to be either ignorant—which is acceptable given that he/she is open to correction—or it shows them to be Intellectually Dishonest. The user has not displayed a straightforwardness of conduct developed or chiefly guided by the intellect rather than by emotion or experience. Such a person has allowed their emotions and desire to prove a point to override their intellect. To finish the argument, this individual has not maintained adherence to the facts nor given him/herself to intellectually honest study.